こちらの写真👇はトラカイ にある「天使の丘(The Hill of Angels)」。

The Hill of Angels
Angelų kalvos str., Būda village, Trakai eldership, Trakai district municipality
This is a place for fostering human devotion and spirituality. It is spotted with plenty of finely crafted wooden angel sculptures, wrought sun-like crosses and life trees decorated with traditional national symbols. In 2009, Dominyka Dubauskaitė-Semionovė and Lolita Piličiauskaitė-Navickienė, initiators of the idea of the Hill of Angels, proposed the project in order to honour the celebration of Lithuania’s 1000thanniversary and the 600thanniversary of the Basilica of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Trakai. Plans were made to place ten angels on the Hill where each of them would represent a different century. The kindness and generosity of people interested in the idea surpassed all possible expectations of its initiators. As a result, 18 angel sculptures found a new home on the Hill! The Hill of Angels is today also referred to as the Path of the Millennium Signs.
現在では4.3ヘクタールの緑豊かな丘に様々なサイズと種類の天使40体以上が設置されています。(出典Trakai Tourism Information Centre)


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